The king of furniture materials is wood. Wooden wine racks shelves are still the best you can do for your wine bottles. We have just the right wooden wine holder for you.

Whether you are into lavish luxury and exquisite details or efficiency and functionality comes in first of anything else, wooden wine racks are an everlasting classic.
There are proven designs that just work and therefore reoccur with different producers of wooden wine racks. The more daring and aesthetically challenging forms of wooden wine racks are also to be found here.
At Wineandbarrels we present to you the widest range of wooden wine racks to meet every need and desire.
Wooden racks for individual bottles
There is no need to embark into a DIY wooden wine rack, as we offer you so many models that you can design and create your own custom-made wine cellar.
For example, there are the ingenious wooden insertion shelves from Mensolas. These racks are especially brilliant for you if you prefer buying a variety of different wines in smaller batches. The wood-and-metal wine racks are available with a capacity from 9 bottles and up to 72 bottles.
With the specially designed assembly brackets you can connect several racks into your own wine rack matching the specific dimensions of your wine room.
Self-assembled wine racks in wood
At the best-priced end of the range you will find the very popular and cost-efficient shelves from Vinikea. With the Eliza and Cava wine racks, you will get the best value for money’s worth with the cheapest wine storage measured in cost per bottle.
The Caverack wine racks are another series of wine racks that you have to assemble yourself. This helps keep the prices low that the wine racks come in flat boxes and do not take up a lot of space when transported. Caverack wine racks are available in several designs and woods.
Wine racks as proper furniture
For the more aesthetically oriented we can also offer great variety. The elegant and stylish wine racks in black painted wood from Renato make your wine cellar an extra nice place to be at. Our strong and elegantly simple wine racks from Petit represent a new way of thinking wine racks. The simplicity and elegance is shared with Menzia's cool shelves.
When it comes to displaying wine bottles commercially, there are also possibilities to be found within our range of wooden wine shelves. Cellarbox and Cabernet are two series dedicated entirely to present wine bottles at their finest. These wine racks are primarily aimed at wine retailers and the hospitality business.
Great looking and easy-to-handle wine racks in modules
Winerex is the series for you who would like a little bit classier.
The Winerex system is also for you who want a ready-made rack system for your wine cellar.
The variety options are many and the modules are just to be installed and you are ready to fill them up with your wines. The wooden wine rack from Winerex are available in oak, pine and white painted pine.
Pupitres and shelves of wine barrels
A wine rack can easily be a decorative feature while fulfilling its purpose at the same time. A pupitre is a special stand originally intended for the production of sparkling wines. The stand is invented by Madame Clicquot-Ponsardin of the same famous Champagne house, and can look quite nice with the champagne bottles in rows.
The Vinobarto series are wine shelves made of used wine barrels.